Sunday, November 8, 2020


I really like the whole vibrating thing when you move around on the desktop or on webpages. So much for the look. Amazon Restaurants Food delivery from local restaurants. See all Used offers. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1.
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It's a nice touch. I've also got some old M-BJ58 mice that had this. Should I bother getting one to try it out? Have one to sell? Also, many sites listing specs for these mice state "2x optical sensor up to dpi".

Users browsing this forum: Give Dan some loitech

The best known such mouses are Microsoft's current optical logitrch, but various manufacturers have them and they're all actually based on Hewlett-Packard technology. Experience the convenience of Alexa, now on your PC.

There were only a few games that were designed to work with this mouse, listed here. The MouseMan further imitates the Explorer with its tail-light - an loggitech blue LED that illuminates the Logitech logo on the back of the mouse, and casts a dim glow out through the translucent side of the mouse.

VOGONS • View topic - Logitech/Immersion iFeel Mouse

It's a fabulous piece of fritterware. East Dane Designer Men's Fashion. Product information Package Dimensions 9. The software that makes the iFeel mouses do something when you're doing normal Windows tasks is called Immersion Desktop.

By default, Immersion Desktop just gives you basic clicks and buzzes, but loyitech can do a lot more than that.

I'm still quite happy with the mouse. Sadly, the guts of the mouse are quite different and I was unable to change its "clothes". Force-feedback gadgets are cool.

As I mentioned previously, Dan from this review summed things up quite well. To avoid the problem of people having to catch their mouse before it makes it to a main road, Logitech's iFeel mouses just vibrate. Sorry, we're having trouble showing recommendations right iteel. Learn more about Amazon Prime.

The Inertial Harmonic Flux Capacitor, or whatever the heck it's called, is perfectly capable of playing quite high-pitched notes.

Item is in your Cart. Would you like to tell us about a llogitech price? Very interesting; didn't even know such a thing existed.

How is it in games? Marketing gibberish aside, I was interested to see what use a buzzing mouse could be. Well no, you can't, because the mouse can't pull your hand anywhere.

Logitech iFeel MouseMan

Don't see what you're looking for? Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. Executed the same way as, say, a force-feedback steering wheel, a force-feedback mouse would scurry right off the mat if you didn't keep your hand on it. They use Immersion 's TouchSense technology, that's what they do. It's comfortable to use, but if you switch back and forth between it and an Explorer, ,ogitech likely to keep accidentally pressing the MouseMan's fourth button - the Explorer's two side buttons are higher up.

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